What To Talk About With Your Boyfriend

It’s an unfortunate fact of life, but men and women do communicate differently. That’s not to say that you and your boyfriend can’t have wonderful, fulfilling conversations, it just means that the two of you may have to learn how to communicate with each other first. If you want to know what to talk about with your boyfriend, the answer is whatever the two of you like to do together.

The most obvious thing for you two to talk about is something that both of you know something about and have an interest in. If you both like old movies, or music, or anything, that is what you should talk about. While it’s ok to tell your partner about your day at work or the new project you’re working on, in many cases that will actually be a little boring for them. They may not understand the technical jargon you use or just have much interest. For the most part, you want to find things to talk about that you can both relate to and will find interesting.

It’s very common in relationships that couples don’t really ‘talk’ they lecture. One partner will tune out because they simply aren’t interested in what the other partner has to say. That is a bad sign in most cases. While it’s true that a little bit of that happens in all relationships at one point or another, if that has become common in your relationship than you and your partner simply don’t have much in common and that’s not a good sign if you want your relationship to be long term.

It’s important for everyone to feel valued and appreciated and to a degree that means that their significant other should be willing to listen to the things that make them happy. If your partner doesn’t ever want to listen to you, but they regale you with their stories for hours on end, then you have a problem. At the minimum you are in a relationship with someone who is selfish and self centered, at the worst you are in a relationship with someone who simply doesn’t care about hearing about you and your interests.

The good news is that the two of you can learn how to communicate better and one of the best ways to find things to talk about is to share fun times and adventures. There are few things more fun than sharing an experience, whether it’s a great movie, a concert or just some funny situation, with the person you love. The two of you can talk about it for hours, and laugh together. These are the types of experiences that really help deepen the bond between two people.

I hope that you’ve got some ideas of what to talk about with your boyfriend and maybe some ideas of what not to say. Just try to continually reach out to your boyfriend to keep your relationship strong… as long as he’s reaching out to you too.


Brittany is an experienced hopeless romantic with more knowledge on Tinder and dating than she would prefer to have. She's the perfect candidate for providing real-world insight on common problems with relationships, breakups and online dating.

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